May 15, 2011


This image is probably self explanatory.

The idea here is one inch plastic cubes that link together horizontally and stack vertically.

They're abstract and simple. The brown can be dirt, sand, a tree trunk, or a wooden wall. Gray could be rock, masonry, metal. You'd have a hundred or two of these (roughly a filled shoebox) and create terrain on your tabletop usable for a wide variety of games. Or even just as a toy.

I'm prototyping these now, and intend to try and get them manufactured. Ideally they'd come in a box of one hundred, with several colors, and a mix of cubes and plates.


  1. Sooooo cool, I want some!!!

  2. There are two issues I see with it. First off, it isn't really miniature friendly, is it? The blocks require the hallways are rifted with gutters, so it takes away a great deal of the 'feel' for the physical form.

    Second, all of this can be done better, much better, on a computer.
